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Director: Srithar K. Kurup and Srikanth S.
At Everserve, we promise you the best, the best of quality and quantity. We work hard to bring you unparalleled services that provide you with exactly what you want and require. Having our own farms along with a reliable supplier of flowers, we are able to consistently cater to the strong clientele we currently have.
With wholesale depots in Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai and Coimbatore, our business of growing flowers, trading and exporting them has flourished on local, national and international levels.
In 1993, Everserve delved into the floriculture business which consisted of around 8,500 sq.metres of polyhouses and three acres of open crops. In the year 2009, we gradually began converting part of our plantation to rain fed, organic estates. This in turn led to experimenting with growing organic vegetables in 2014. Immense growth since, has led to reaching potential customers on a regular basis.